Instructor Paul Votto welcomes you to the Online Resident Housing Manager Property Assessment Course. National Center for Housing Management President, Glenn Stevens, chimes in to welcome you to the course.
Registered Housing Manager
Welcome To The Online RHM Property Assessment
The RHM Certification Process
This lesson will give you a general overview of the process of acquiring a RHM Certification through NCHM, specifically the Property Assessment.
Code of Ethics
This lesson provides the student with an overview on the responsibilities and ethics demand from a Registered Housing Manager.
Performance Monitoring Model Review
The instructor provides a quick refresher on the NCHM Housing Management Performance Monitoring Model that has been revised for 2014.
Four Quadrant Model
This lesson will review the Four Quadrant Model.
Property Profile
We'll take you through how to select the right property, and review the Property Profile form.
Performance Model - Occupancy
In your first step in analyzing your property using NCHM's Housing Management Performance Monitoring Model, we'll be looking at occupancy. Topics will include Lost Actual Income, Tenant Accounts Receivable, Turnaround Time, and Vacancy Loss.
Performance Model - Community Management
In your second step in analyzing your property using NCHM's Housing Management Performance Monitoring Model, we'll be looking at community management. Topics will include turnover rate, resident rating, and lease compliance. Also, the NCHM online resident survey will be offered and explained.
Performance Model - Maintenance
In the third step in analyzing your property using NCHM's Housing Management Performance Monitoring Model, we'll be looking at maintenance. Topics will include Work Order Systems, Work Classification, and Sources of Work Orders.
Financial Analysis
In this lesson, we'll be performing a financial analysis of your chosen property. Topics will include Gross Potential Rent, Subsidy Payments, Vacancy Loss, Actual Collections, Operating Expenses, Net Operating Income, and Cash Flow.
Federal Compliance
In this lesson, we'll be looking at your selected property from a Federal Compliance point of view.
Summary and Submission
The final step of the Online RHM Certification Process is to submit your completed RHM Property Assessment via PDF Upload or standard mail.